

Magong Ancient Castle is also called Penghu Castle or Guangxu Castle, and it is the last defense in the Qing Dynasty.  
In 1683, 22nd year of Qing Emperor Kangxi, Penghu islands are nationalized, then an Inspection Office was built in Wenao. In 1727, the 5th year of Qing Emperor Yongzh, the Inspection Office was changed into a Police Headquarters, and a General Judge was nominated. The army of Shuishi Camp guarded Magong harbor.
After Sino-French War, Governor Liu Mingchuan proposed that Penghu islands are strategic gateway of Taiwan so that a fortress is necessary, purchasing artillery is needed, and only military elite could be capable to defend enemy. Emperor agreed and nominated Wu Hongluo as a Garrison Commander to build a castle. Magong Ancient Castle was built since 1886 and finished in 1889, 15th year of Qing Emperor Guangxu.
In 1895, 21st year of Qing Emperor Guangxu, the Yi-Wei War broke out, and Japanese army occupied Magong Ancient Castle from Gongchen Gate and Chaoyang Gate. In 1907, 40th year of Qing Emperor Mingzhi, Japanese Government destroyed Yingxun Gate to Jixu Gate and southern wall of Fisher Island Easter Battery as material of Magong Harbor for building the Lin-Hai Road.
After the occupation of Magong Castle, a Penghu Fort Headquarters and Penghu Artilleryman Headquarters were built at western side of Gongchen Gate to Magong Old City Wall (Shuncheng Gate) After World War Ⅱ, those Japanese military infrastructures were utilized continuously by National Government so the western wall of Magong Castle is able to preserve well until now.
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